Shoulder surgery and recovery is hard enough without having to deal with the unexpected fallout of a surgery-related complication. We do everything in
The Benefits Of Shoulder Replacement Besides Pain Relief
Pain is the most common reason why patients opt to pursue a shoulder replacement procedure. Activities that one were second nature are now moderately
Will My Shoulder Ever Feel Normal Again After Shoulder Replacement Surgery?
If you are considering shoulder replacement surgery, odds are your shoulder has seen better days. Whether you have major tendon tearing or have
5 Things To Expect After A Reverse Shoulder Replacement
Reverse shoulder replacement procedures have become more common in recent years due to the fact that it tends to be more effective at retaining
6 Travel Tips After Shoulder Surgery
The end of the year is a popular time for elective surgery because people are more likely to have met their maximum out of pocket insurance expenses
How To Reduce Infection Risk Before & After Shoulder Surgery
One of the main risks that needs to be accounted for during any surgical operation is the risk of infection. Even when minimally invasive techniques
4 Ways to Determine if Shoulder Surgery is Worth It
In any walk of life, we don’t want to pursue something that won’t be worth our time and effort when all is said and done, but that’s especially true
Reducing Your Risk Of Blood Clots After Shoulder Replacement
Blood clots are a rare but potentially life threatening complication that can develop after shoulder replacement or any major surgical procedure. They
Can A Torn Labrum Heal Without Surgery?
Your labrum is a small piece of fibrocartilage in your shoulder that helps to keep the ball of your shoulder within the socket. It also plays a major