Your organs and tissues need a healthy blood supply to survive, and if blood supply is interrupted, it can cause major issues for that part of your
5 Tips For Managing Pain After A Reverse Shoulder Replacement
A shoulder replacement procedure can help restore an immense amount of function to your shoulder joint, but that process won’t happen overnight. The
What Is Atraumatic Shoulder Instability?
We’ve talked about shoulder instability on this blog in the past, and oftentimes this instability develops in the wake of trauma to the shoulder
5 Things To Remember When Returning To Sports After Shoulder Surgery
If you’re an athlete, you’re probably itching to get back on the field and rejoin your teammates if you’ve been sidelined because you needed to
Obesity And Shoulder Replacement
Being overweight may not have as much of a physical impact on your shoulder joint as it can for joints like your hips and knees, but that doesn’t mean
How To Prepare For Limited Mobility After Shoulder Replacement Surgery
Shoulder replacement surgery has the end goal of restoring function and decreasing pain in your shoulder joint, but these improvements won’t occur
5 Signs You May Want To Consider Shoulder Replacement
A shoulder replacement procedure is a major undertaking that shouldn’t be your first course of treatment for shoulder discomfort, but at the same
How Long Will My Shoulder Replacement Last?
One of the most common questions from patients who are candidates for shoulder replacement surgery is “How long will the artificial shoulder joint
Practice Makes Perfect Is Real When It Comes To Shoulder Replacement
It is great to have the theoretical knowledge to perform a specific task, but nothing prepares you to handle a challenge like real world practice.