One of the main risks that needs to be accounted for during any surgical operation is the risk of infection. Even when minimally invasive techniques
Treating Little League Shoulder In Young Athletes
Youth sports can be a great way for kids to stay active, meet new friends and learn lifelong lessons, but it can also lead to injuries, especially if
Treating Glenoid Fractures Of The Shoulder
The glenoid fracture has been in the news recently after it came out that Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson will be sidelined for the
5 Daily Things You Can Do To Relieve Shoulder Stiffness
We use our arms for countless tasks every day, and we don’t really think twice about all these actions until they become uncomfortable. One such issue
4 Ways to Determine if Shoulder Surgery is Worth It
In any walk of life, we don’t want to pursue something that won’t be worth our time and effort when all is said and done, but that’s especially true
Reducing Your Risk Of Blood Clots After Shoulder Replacement
Blood clots are a rare but potentially life threatening complication that can develop after shoulder replacement or any major surgical procedure. They
Preventing Shoulder Injuries In Wheelchair Users
If you use a wheelchair to get around throughout the day, there’s a good chance that your arms and shoulders are sore by day’s end. It probably
How Long Before My Frozen Shoulder Thaws?
Frozen shoulder is an all too common condition that tends to affect adults over the age of 40. The condition gets its name from the fact that it leads
Why Rest Is Rarely Best For Shoulder Injuries
Shoulder injuries are incredibly common, and if you’re like most people, your first instinct will probably be to rest the area and protect it from