Are you experiencing a cracking sensation in your shoulder when you perform certain movements? Can you hear a clicking or popping sound as you move your arm and shoulder? There are a number of different reasons why you may be experiencing these sounds and sensations in your shoulder. In today’s blog, we explain what’s causing shoulder cracking or popping, and we discuss when you should consider syncing up with a shoulder specialist if you’re dealing with this issue.
Understanding Crepitus And Cavitation
When presenting without pain or other uncomfortable symptoms, the sensations or sounds you’re noticing in your shoulder may be due to two similar but different issues – cavitation and crepitus. Let’s take a closer look at both:
- Cavitation – Cavitation describes the popping sound you hear in your joint when moving it in certain directions, and it is caused when air in your joint combines with some of the liquid in your joint’s lubricating fluid to form tiny gas bubbles. These bubbles can pop during an abrupt or forceful movement, leading to the sound you hear. This is also what happens when you crack or pop your knuckles.
- Crepitus – Crepitus is a term used to describe the clicking or cracking sound you hear in your joints. Crepitus can describe the sound you’re hearing as a result of cavitation, but it can also be the result of other issues within the joint. Crepitus can also be caused by improper joint alignment, joint degeneration causing inefficient movement or tendons rubbing against one another.
Do I Need Treatment For My Clicking Shoulder?
If you’re not experiencing any symptoms or movement restrictions, you probably don’t need any additional care for the cracking or popping issues you’re dealing with in your shoulder. Continue working to protect your shoulder with exercise, proper movement patterns and an overall healthy lifestyle.
However, if your shoulder sensations are paired with other more pressing physical issues, you may be dealing with crepitus caused by joint dysfunction, and working to treat the problem before it snowballs into a larger issue is helpful. If the clicking or popping sensations are paired with any of the following symptoms, consider reaching out to a shoulder specialist like Dr. Holloway:
- Pain
- Tenderness
- Movement restrictions
- Arm/Shoulder weakness
These symptoms suggest that there’s more going on in your shoulder than the simple release of gas bubbles, and if you continue to ignore the problem, these symptoms can worsen. Instead, connect with someone like Dr. Holloway and get to the bottom of your shoulder issue. Whether you’re dealing with arthritis, rotator cuff damage or a limiting condition like bursitis, we’re confident we can not only pinpoint the specific cause of your discomfort but set you up with an individualized care plan to improve shoulder function. Don’t let painful shoulder cracking or grinding keep you from pursuing all your favorite activities. Connect with Dr. Holloway and let him restore mobility in your shoulder.
For more information, or for help with a different shoulder issue, reach out to Dr. Holloway’s office today at (865) 410-7887.