Shoulder issues typically develop in one of two ways. There are the acute injuries caused by a singular incident, and there are conditions that
5 Steps To Take When Your Shoulder Hurts After Falling
We’ve all fallen at some point in our lives, and if you’re lucky enough to catch yourself during the process of a fall, odds are it’s your arms and
What Are The Most Common Shoulder Injuries In Sports?
Are you dealing with new or worsening discomfort in your shoulder after athletic activity? Shoulder injuries are incredibly common during sporting
How Baseball And Softball Players Can Protect Their Shoulders This Season
Spring is almost officially here, and that means baseball season is just around the corner. If your child will be playing baseball or softball this
Treating A Hill-Sachs Injury After Shoulder Dislocations
We’ve talked about the basics of shoulder dislocation on this blog in the past, but every dislocation will cause varying degrees of damage to the
Preventing Shoulder Injuries In Wheelchair Users
If you use a wheelchair to get around throughout the day, there’s a good chance that your arms and shoulders are sore by day’s end. It probably
Why Rest Is Rarely Best For Shoulder Injuries
Shoulder injuries are incredibly common, and if you’re like most people, your first instinct will probably be to rest the area and protect it from
How To Treat A Shoulder Stinger Injury
Your shoulder is home to a number of important nerves as they pass through the area enroute to their final destination. There’s also not a lot of
Preventing & Treating Summertime Shoulder Injuries
It’s summertime in Minnesota, and because the warm weather isn’t here to stay for long, many people take advantage of this time and partake in