Shoulder pain is incredibly common in the United States, with millions of people seeking treatment for shoulder issues every month. One condition that
Pain Control Tips After Shoulder Surgery
On the day of your shoulder surgery, you may be offered regional anesthesia, also known as an interscalene block, to help with post-op pain control.
3 Pain Control Tips Before Shoulder Surgery
Even though procedures are getting less invasive and doctors are always looking for ways to improve the patient experience, there will be some pain
Tips for Protecting Your Shoulders When Raking Leaves
If you are dealing with a shoulder condition or already have an artificial joint inserted, you need to take some extra precautions before raking
7 Frozen Shoulder Do’s And Don’ts
Frozen shoulder is a condition that affects the mobility of the shoulder joint, and it can also be quite painful. It is most common in middle age and
How to Tell if Your Shoulder is Unstable?
We don’t realize how often we rely on our shoulder joints until a problem develops and every lift or movement causes discomfort. And when you consider
The Problems With Ignoring A Shoulder Muscle Injury
Shoulder muscle strains and tears are some of the most common injuries that athletes and everyday individuals experience during physical activity, and
Posterior Capsule Stretches for Shoulder Pain
Post-op stretching is integral to a successful recovery from shoulder surgery. In this article, we are going to talk about two posterior capsule
4 Joint Pain Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore
Healthy joints are crucial for comfortable movement, but age and stress are two factors that can negatively impact our joint health. A lot of people