Racket sports are an incredibly popular way to stay active, especially among older adults who enjoy playing tennis or pickleball. These sports also
5 Steps To Take When Your Shoulder Hurts After Falling
We’ve all fallen at some point in our lives, and if you’re lucky enough to catch yourself during the process of a fall, odds are it’s your arms and
Treatment Options For Proximal Humerus Fractures
Your humerus is the upper arm bone that runs from the shoulder and shoulder blade to your elbow. The humerus can fracture at any point along the bone,
Obvious & Not So Obvious Signs Of Shoulder Arthritis
Arthritic degeneration can affect any joint in our body, but wear and tear tends to be more common in larger joints that handle significant or
5 Ways You’re Unknowingly Aggravating Your Shoulders
Our shoulder joints are incredibly mobile, as you can move them in many more directions than other large joints like your knee or hip. However, the
Office Workers And Shoulder Pain – 4 Pain Prevention Tips
Office work doesn’t typically fall under the category of manual labor, so you may think that your body isn’t really affected by your time on the
Shoulder Pain With Overhead Movement – Your Treatment Options
If you’re like most people, you perform a number of overhead movements with your arms and shoulder every single day. Whether you’re grabbing something
Tips For Recovering At Home After Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery
Arthroscopic surgery is a procedure that addresses any number of issues within the shoulder joint. During the operation, your surgeon inserts a small
Treating The 3 Most Common Types Of Shoulder Dislocations
Your shoulder is the most commonly dislocated large joint in your body, and that’s for good reason. Not only do we tend to put a lot of strain on our