A shoulder replacement procedure is a major undertaking that shouldn’t be your first course of treatment for shoulder discomfort, but at the same
How Long Will My Shoulder Replacement Last?
One of the most common questions from patients who are candidates for shoulder replacement surgery is “How long will the artificial shoulder joint
Practice Makes Perfect Is Real When It Comes To Shoulder Replacement
It is great to have the theoretical knowledge to perform a specific task, but nothing prepares you to handle a challenge like real world practice.
How To Prepare For Your Shoulder Replacement Procedure
Hopefully you are as excited as we are for the prospect of your new artificial shoulder, and while we all want the surgery to go well, this won’t
Should I Get A Second Opinion On My Shoulder?
A problem with your shoulder can make normal actions extremely uncomfortable, so it’s important that you connect with your primary care physician or a
Why Does Shoulder Surgery Fail?
In the vast majority of cases, a surgical procedure and the healing process goes as expected and the patient experiences fantastic results. However,
The Difference Between Standard & Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement
If you’re dealing with significant shoulder pain or decreased range of motion in your shoulder joint, a shoulder specialist may suggest that you’re a
Is Total Shoulder Replacement Surgery Worth It?
One of the most common questions people want to know prior to any joint replacement procedure is whether or not it will be worth it in the end. After
5 Things Patients Wish They Would Have Known Before Shoulder Surgery
They say hindsight is 20-20, and it’s easy to look back on situations and reassess how you would have handled them knowing what you know now. That’s