Your clavicle is a slender bone that runs from the base of your neck out to your shoulder, and it provides significant support to your shoulder while playing a pivotal role in arm movement. You may know the clavicle by another name – the collarbone – but know that they are one in the same, and that injuries to this bone are quite common among young and active individuals.
Because of its length and positioning within the body, your clavicle may fracture in a few different ways if it is subjected to acute stress. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at the different types of collarbone fractures and how these fracture patterns are typically treated.
The Three Types Of Collarbone Fractures
Your collarbone doesn’t have a lot of natural protection from direct trauma, which is part of the reason why it is one of the most commonly fractured bones among children and teens. Children and teens are typically pretty active and at times can be both reckless and clumsy, and one direct hit to the upper shoulder area can overload the clavicle. We typically see young individuals present to our clinic with collarbone fractures following activities like:
- Football/Rugby/Contact sports
- Skiing
- Snowboarding
- Skateboarding
- ATV Riding
- Bicycling
- Gymnastics/Cheerleading
A clavicle fracture will make it difficult to move your arm normally or comfortably, so while you may not know that you’re dealing with a collarbone fracture, there will be clear signs that you’re dealing with a significant shoulder injury. Pain, swelling, tenderness and even a visible bump or protrusion along the top of the shoulder area are all signs that you may be dealing with a collarbone fracture.
As we mentioned above, clavicle fractures can develop in a couple different ways. Your shoulder specialist will be able to discern what type of fracture pattern you’re dealing with after examining the shoulder and reviewing imaging tests. They’ll likely group your fracture into one of three types:
- Midshaft Fracture – As the name implies, this occurs when the break occurs in the middle third of the collarbone. This also happens to be the area where the clavicle is the flattest and thinnest, which is why this is the most common area for the fracture to develop.
- Lateral Fractures – A lateral fracture develops near the outer end of the clavicle, closest to the shoulder. This is the second most common type of collarbone fracture, accounting for roughly 1 in 4 collarbone fractures.
- Medial Fracture – The final type of clavicle fracture is the medial fracture. These develop on the inner end of the collarbone, closest to the neck area. This part of the bone tends to be more stable and better protected, which is why these types of collarbone fractures are rare, accounting for roughly 2-4% of all collarbone fractures.
Fortunately, the most common form of clavicle fracture is also the one that can typically be treated with the simplest treatments. Midshaft fractures can almost always heal without surgical intervention, so you’ll just need to protect the area for a while to allow healing to run its course. You’ll be equipped with a sling until enough healing has happened for you to support your arm on your own without discomfort. Many children can heal from a clavicle fracture in about 3-6 weeks, while adults are typically looking at 6-12 weeks. Recovery will take longer if you suffer a more significant fracture that requires surgery, but again most collarbone fractures can heal without surgical intervention.
If you have suffered a collarbone fracture or direct trauma to the shoulder and want information on how to best treat the issue, consider connecting with Dr. Holloway and his team today at (865) 410-7887.