Does one of your shoulders drop or slope a little bit compared to the other? Have you noticed that your shoulders appear uneven when you look in a mirror? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have uneven shoulders, and while not all of them present with uncomfortable physical symptoms, you’d be wise to learn a little more about why your shoulders are this way and consider some simple interventions. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at some of the reasons why your shoulders may be uneven, and what to do about it.
Causes Of Uneven Shoulders And Treatment Options
Let’s break down some of the more common causes of uneven shoulders and walk through some of the many ways these issues are generally treated.
- Posture Problems – In today’s day and age where we tend to spend more time on electronic devices, posture problems are a common driver of shoulder issues, including drooped or uneven shoulders. Fortunately, this cause can be easily addressed by being more cognizant of your posture positioning when you’re in a seated position. Many people will also find it easier to maintain ideal posture when the structures that support your spine, neck and shoulders are stronger, so improving your core muscles is a wise move.
- Shoulder Instability – If your uneven shoulders are paired with a feeling of looseness or instability, there’s a possibility that a soft tissue injury is at play. A collection of muscles and tendons help to form your rotator cuff and support your shoulder joint, and if they have suffered natural degeneration or an acute injury, they may not be able to stabilize the joint, leading to a visible drooping of the affected shoulder. Targeted physical therapy and gentle stretching exercises can help to address mild rotator cuff injuries, while a minimally invasive surgery can correct more severe tissue tears.
- Repetitive Shoulder Strain – If you regularly use one shoulder much more than the other, it’s possible that one shoulder is suffering from the effects of overuse. This tends to be more common in baseball pitchers, golfers, volleyball players and certain manual laborers. Working to limit direct strain on the shoulder by taking time off between sports seasons and developing a targeted strength training program to ensure the area is stronger and more able to handle the strain you put on it can help even out your shoulders.
- Scoliosis – Uneven shoulders aren’t always the result of a problem in the shoulder, rather the shoulders could be feeling the effects of a problem rooted in a nearby system. In these instances, oftentimes the problem is housed in the spine where a curvature disorder like scoliosis has developed. Physical therapy can limit the progression of a spinal curvature disorder, but a more permanent solution can only be found through surgical correction.
- Shoulder Dislocations – A shoulder dislocation will present with much more obvious symptoms, mainly significant pain and mobility issues, but even after the dislocated shoulder has been reset, you may notice that the affected shoulder is uneven compared to your healthy shoulder. This is a sign that you need to strengthen the soft tissues that were damaged as a result of the dislocation. Again, physical therapy and targeted stretching exercises will be your best friend in terms of helping you make the strongest functional recovery from a shoulder dislocation that is contributing to uneven shoulders.
These are just a few of the potential causes of uneven shoulders, so if you’re looking for more information or an individualized diagnosis, pick up the phone and connect with Dr. Holloway’s office today at (865) 410-7887.