If you’re dealing with shoulder instability that isn’t responding to conservative treatment, a surgical procedure may be just what you need to restore
How To Treat Shoulder Tightness
When we talk about shoulder problems on this blog, oftentimes the issue centers around looseness or shoulder instability. An unstable or loose
Shoulder Immobilizer Vs. Shoulder Sling – Which Is Right For You?
A shoulder immobilizer and a shoulder sling are similar devices that are helpful during the recovery process after an injury or surgical procedure,
Treating Paralabral Cysts In The Shoulder
Your shoulder is an incredibly mobile joint where tissues and bones move in close proximity to one another, so if an object develops that impedes
Front Of Shoulder Pain – Subscapularis Tears And Treatment
Are you dealing with pain or discomfort around the front of your shoulder? Does this discomfort worsen when you try to rotate your arm internally? If
Treating Small vs. Large Rotator Cuff Tears
Your rotator cuff is a group of four strong tendons that connect your humerus to your shoulder blade. As their name implies, the rotator cuff tendons
Is Shoulder Pain Keeping You Up At Night? We Can Help
Laying down in bed and falling asleep should be a relaxing experience, but for millions of Americans, unresolved shoulder issues keep them tossing and
How To Treat A Proximal Humerus Fracture Without Surgery
Your humerus is the strong bone in your upper arm that connects to the radius and ulna at your elbow and to the scapula at the shoulder. The upper
Text Neck And Its Impact On Your Shoulders
We rely on technology more than any generation in the past, and while devices like iPhones and tablets can help us get more work done or keep us